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Taking Funky Falls While Bouldering

From landing on spotters to coming down hard, here are five short clips of boulderers falling

You can go your entire rock climbing life without taking a big fall off a route or problem if you’re careful enough, but more times than not you’ll run into a crux where falling is inevitable. For tips on outdoor bouldering visit here. Below are five boulderers who take unexpected falls.

Boulder Fall #1

A climber pops off a steep problem int he Rocklands, taking out their spotter as they go.

Boulder Fall #2

A climber nears the top of a boulder but slips off into a tree into an awkward position.

Boulder Fall #3

A climber nears to the top of a problem but comes off after their foot slips on slick coarse looking granite.

Boulder Fall #4

A climber falls high from a problem onto their spotter.

Boulder Fall #5

A climber falls a long way down a slab in Squamish.

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