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Watch One of the Best El Capitan Sending Vids of the Year

Tavish Hansen redpoints a steep and technical pitch on a route established by Sonnie Trotter

El Capitan Rock Climbing

Watch Tavish Hansen free the 5.13b/c pitch on Pineapple Express, which is technically a three-pitch variation to El Nino VI 5.13c., while being belayed by Sam Stroh.

Sonnie Trotter established the route over the a few seasons with Alex Honnold and then sent it in a 13-hour push with Tommy Caldwell supporting. The second ascent was by Honnold and Brad Gobright in 2019. Several others have projected and sent the hard big wall free climb over the past few years.

This video was filmed by Scott Eubank and was edited by Hansen.

Pineapple Express


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