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A Massive Russian Ski Traverse Called Off

Ray Zahab and Stefano Gregoretti have skied 300 kilometres of their planned 500-kilometre ski traverse across the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia.

Local hunters warmed them that rivers and lakes were no longer frozen and Zahab and Gregoretti were not prepared for open water. There’s always next winter.

Since the Sahara 2006, every expedition is like a crazy traveling circus- with so many moving parts. It’s the people I am so fortunate to surround myself with that truly make these things possible…without constant support of Kath and her ability to lift me from the depths when I think I’m cooked, it wouldn’t happen. Bob Cox and I have had so many crazy adventures together…Bobby led logistics for me from Atacama Desert to every i2P Youth Expedition, these past yrs Leanne manages the home team, content and making sure schools are connected- as has Jordan. There are just too many people to mention and thank- but in this post I’d like to give huge props to someone who joined my team in 2013, when I ran solo 2,000km+ across the Gobi Desert. He’s the dude who took this photo and many others, Jon Golden. A now deceased mutual friend (and Sahara expedition leader) Don Webster, a Nat Geo writer, who introduced us. Ever since, Jon has been on multiple expeditions with me. From supported to unsupported projects. Sometimes he has little access, like with this photo from Kamchatka, he got 1 day out of 30 to reach and capture us. More then making me look cooler then I am with his photos, Jon has over the years voluntarily put himself in heinous circumstances, as my friend and consistent support. When I’d arrive end of each day in Gobi, I was a train wreck. He’d grab my backpack as I was almost unable to stand, and make sure I had food and a place to sleep among the camera gear. We drive each other crazy at points, but it always works out in the end….the most compelling thing about Jon is exactly what Don said about him, in advance of introducing us. Don said “Jon’s been around this industry forever. He’s photographed presidents, worked with Nick Nichols, and is considered a ‘photographer’s photographer’, but his best attribute is that he is 100 percent reliable friend”. Don was right. It’s those people in your life, that no matter how bad it is when the s**t hits the fan, that you can truly rely on, that make things possible. Friends that have unwavering belief in you, and will faithfully be there when you need them. Thank you buddy for being there for me again!!!

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