Surfers Head to Waves of Hurricane Chris 2018

The surfing community took the day off work and headed to known spots along Rhode Island’s south-facing coastlne on Wednesday hoping to surf waves from Hurricane Chris.
The surprise July hurricane is moving up the East Coast far away from shore and is on its way to Canada’s Maritimes.
Doug Fischer, 62, of Saunderstown, said the storm was moving too fast to build good waves in Rhode Island.
But, Katie Egan, 29, said that Second Beach had great waves near Point Judith Lighthouse and said the waves improved throughout the day.
Ben Gravy posted the below video and said, “Today we attempted to surf Hurricane Chris as it effected the waves here in New Jersey.
“Surfing hurricanes and storms on the East Coast can always be hit or miss. The swell forecast can say one thing and the beach can say another. Good thing for us is that the hurricane season has just begun and it’s game on.”
We’ll see if anyone is brave enough to surf the dark Atlantic off Newfoundland.