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New 7-Pitch 5.10+ on the Apron in Squamish

Eleven Words for Rain follows a fine line up bomber granite close to the road

Eleven Words for Rain is the newest addition to the Apron in Squamish, one of the most iconic rock features in North America. The route was completed by Aaron Kristiansen and Keesha Dalley this spring.

Kristiansen, who’s known for his now-classic route The Spirit of Squamish, released the information on the Squamish climbing Facebook group and on Mountain Project. He said, “This route follows one of the most striking and obvious natural lines on the wall. So it should be no surprise that many of the individual pitches where among the first routes climbed on the Apron. As fate would have it I know one of the first ascentionist, my old friend and the oldest climber I know Hamish Mutch.”

Kristiansen asked Mutch if he could added some bolts, saying that Mutch said, “It’s 2024 Aaron, add as many bolts as you like” Kristiansen said he didn’t have to add many, mostly just at anchors. The pitches go at 5.8, 5.10b, 5.10a, 5.9, 5.7, 5.10d and 5.9. The sixth pitch 5.10d is one of the steepest pitches on the Apron. You can find all of the information you need to climb the new route here.

Eleven Words for Rain Squamish
Eleven Words for Rain on the Apron. Photo by Matt Brooks

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