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Climbing Gyms are Suffering, Take This Survey to Help

Many climbing gyms are desperate to reopen and to restart their businesses, they're hoping this survey will help

A new survey by climbing gym owners across Canada aims to understand what climbers across the country are thinking during the covid-19 pandemic. Gyms across the country are feeling the negative impact from the covid lockdown and they want to know what they have to do to keep climbers happy and to get them back on the walls.

One of the organizers of the survey told us: “Opinions and varying degrees of knowledge regarding disease transmission, personal protective equipment, proper use of PPE made conversations on the climbing pages very negative to those businesses who were desperate to reopen before being given the perfect green light.”

All survey data is collected anonymously. No names or directly identifying information are being requested as part of this survey. Once compiled, a report will be published by Gripped. Please address questions or concerns to: canadianclimbingsurvey at gmail.com.

Please read each statement or question carefully before responding to it as accurately and honestly as you can. Survey results will depend on the quality of your responses.

The survey is separated into 10 sections for the purposes of analysis. Total completion time is estimated at 20 minutes. Please follow the instructions provided and answer all questions which apply to you. Please make sure to hit the SUBMIT button at the end of the survey (Section 11) to ensure your responses are included.

Take Survey Here

The above photo is from a BoulderHouse Victoria video that you can watch below as climbers in B.C. celebrate returning to the gym, but with new mask-wearing rules.

We spoke to a number of climbers from The Hive about gyms reopening, visit here for a chat with owner Andrew Coffey and here for an interview with Kindar McNamee and Ivan Lou.

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