Funny Film on Indoor Climbing and Common Mistakes
Canmore-based filmmaker Andy Arts is known for writing, directing and producing fun short films. His latest is Beyond the Gym.
In the past, Arts has entertained audiences with this Belayer to the Stars series. With Beyond the Gym, he and co-writer Kat Wiebe introduce us to two indoor climbers who crush at the gym and try to take their plastic skills to the rock. The film pokes fun at silly indoor climbing stereotypes, but also sheds light on common mistakes indoor climbers make when heading outdoors for the first time.
Arts has been working with top Canmore climbers, including Sonnie Trotter and Barry Blanchard, for a number of years.
One of the biggest takeaways from Beyond the Gym is to learn about climbing outdoors before you go.
Beyond the Gym premiered at Night of Lies in Canmore in November 2018.