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2013/14 Ice Climbing Competitions

Here is a list of this years ice climbing competitions:

Arc’teryx Bozeman Ice Festival, MT, Dec 11-15, http://www.bozemanicefest.com/
Sandstone Ice Festival, MN, Dec 13-16,  http://www.sandstoneicefest.com/
Ouray Ice Festival, CO, Jan 9-12, http://ourayicepark.com/ice-festival/
MCA (Mountaineering Club of Alaska) Ice Festival, AK, Jan 9-12, http://www.mtnclubak.org/index.cfm/What-We-Do/MCA-Training/MCA-Ice-Climbing-Festival
Ice Magic Festival, Banff, AB, CAN, Jan 16-26,http://www.banfflakelouise.com/Area-Events/Festivals/Winter/SnowDays/Ice-Magic-Festival
Adirondack International Mountaineering Festival, NY, Jan 18-20
Smuggs Ice Bash, Smuggler’s Notch, VT, Jan 24-26 http://www.smuggsicebash.com/
Michigan Ice Fest, MI, Jan 30-Feb 2, http://www.michiganicefest.com/
Mount Washington Valley Ice Fest, NH, Jan 31-Feb 2, http://www.mwv-icefest.com/
MEC Canmore Ice Festival, Banff, AB, CAN, Jan 31-Feb2, http://events.mec.ca/event/9634/mec-ice-climbing-festival
Cody Ice Climbing Festival, WY, Presidents’ Day Weekend, http://www.southforkice.com/
Lake City Ice Festival, CO, Jan 24-26, http://www.lakecityiceclimbs.com/
Nordegg’s Tri Ice A Thon, Nordegg, AB, CAN, Feb 22-24 http://events.mec.ca/node/2319
Nipigon Ice Fest, Nipigon, ON, CAN, Feb 28-Mar 2, http://www.nipigonicefest.com/

Photo Steven Walters
Photo Steven Walters

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