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Jonathan Siegrist Rips Hole in Finger, Sends 5.14d Anyway

The top American climber just sent Don't Die in Linares 5.14d in Texas

On February 28, Jonathan Siegrist sent Don’t Die in Linares 5.14d (9a) in Texas. While on his redpoint send, he gouged a deep hole in his right ring ringer, leaving the remainder of the climb to be a bloody affair. The send comes a little over a week after Siegrist’s second ascent of Me I Eat Dust 5.15a. Like Don’t Die in Linares, Me I Eat Dust is a fierce, overhanging route first established by Cody Roth.

“My last few days in Texas were intense!” said Siegrist on Instagram. “After climbing [Me I Eat Dust 5.15a] I wanted to go in on a neighboring fierce roof route, [Don’t Die In Linares 5.14d] while I felt good on this unique style. Unfortunately the weather went bonkers, central Texas hit 90, and I felt the pressure come on heavy with the end of my trip looming.

“On Wednesday night, after I finally broke through the main crux from the ground, I got my hand stuck behind a toe hook and in full desperation I ripped my hand out only to leave a critical chunk of tip skin behind! Now, facing the [5.12+] finish while negotiating a bloodbath, I could feel the DO or DIE pressure!! Somehow I really enjoy moments like this – knowing that victory is within reach but only if you keep your calm. Psyched to finish this one off and leave on a high. Massive thanks to all of the homies in CenTex for the support and motivation these last weeks!! Now let’s see how long my tip takes to heal…”

Siegrist is one of the world’s best sport climbers. According to his 8a.nu page, he has sent five 5.15b’s, 23 5.15a’s, and 48 5.14d’s. In April 2023, he sent what he said was the hardest route of his life, Stoking the Fire 5.15b in Santa Linya, Spain. In February 2023, he made the first ascent of the wild Back to the Future 5.14d/15a in the Clear Light Cave outside of Las Vegas. In 2022, he had a spectacular year, sending Event Horizon 5.15b at the 5G Wall in Nevada and Tommy Caldwell’s Flex Luther 5.15a, plus four other 5.15a’s.

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