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Spirit of the West is New Hard Squamish Route

Paradise Valley is one of Squamish's newest area's with a lot of potential

At the moment, the new Paradise Valley crag has only two routes, but there is plenty of room for more. The wall is still under development by a group of strong West Coast climbers. To date, there are two long routes over 30 metres.

The first was sent by Stewart Hughes and is called Queen Bee 5.13d. It has been sent by some of Canada’s strongest including Tom Wright and Vikki Weldon. After his send, Wright wrote on Sendage.com, “This is a fantastic route by Hughes and the first to scale this impressive cliff. An endurance testpiece with multiple cruxes and good rests.”

Recently, Wright sent his summer project on the same wall. The new route is called Spirit of the West and goes at 5.14a. After his send, Wright said, “It’s really sustained with back to back boulder problems in the V6 to V7 range with marginal rests – a special line for sure and I consider myself very lucky to come across it.”

Tom Wright projecting Spirit of the West. Photo Rich Wheater @richwheater
Tom Wright projecting Spirit of the West. Photo Rich Wheater

– Be sure to follow Rich Wheater on Instagram @richwheater.

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