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Alex Honnold Recreates Freerider Crux Indoors

Alex Honnold has been busy this past year while touring the world with his Oscar-nominated Free Solo film.

Honnold never shies away from an interview and has been questioned by Joe Rogan, Jimmy Kimmel, Lance Armstrong and many others.

In this video, Honnold visits Vauxwall Climbing Centre in the U.K. for an interview with top climber Louis Parkinson. Honnold also sets the Freerider “boulder crux” on the indoor wall.

Have you seen the amazing Free Solo film? â € Undoubtedly the most harrowing part is the infamous boulder problem…well here at #vauxeast we have had the honour of @alexhonnold testing and tweaking a recreation of *THE* Boulder Problem from his #freesolo ascent of #freerider in Yosemite.â € â € Check out this clip of Alex on the wall ensuring the moves and the #holds feel as close to the real thing as possible.â € â € More content to come in the weeks ahead so be sure to follow @vauxwall for more from Alex at #vauxeastâ € â € Tag a friend in the comments below who you think needs to try this climb to see how it feels…then imagine making those moves at 1500 feet!!! ????? â € â € #oscarnominations and #EEBAFTAs recommendations galore so if you haven't seen it yet head to @britishfilminstitute IMAX in London this week to see it on THE BIGGEST SCREEN. Go see it!!â € -â € #yosemite #climbing #londonclimbing #bouldering #climbinggym #indoorclimbing #routesetting

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Honnold Interview

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