Kim Jong-un Climbs Nation’s Highest Peak

King Jong-un says he is an “energetic man of the people” after climbing to the peak of Mount Paektu, North Korea’s highest mountain.
The leader of North Korea climbed the 2,750-metres mountain and was awarded for his hard efforts with a beautiful snowy mountain top. Jong-un was accompanied by thousands of fighter pilots and party officials and he claimed that the purpose for his expedition was to support the Korean People’s Army and to get a pilots eye view of the potential battle sites in the area. Judging by the photos, it is clear that Jung-un got a spectacular view of the mountainside.
Some Speculate Jong-un Didn’t Climb, but Flew
Mount Paektu is an active volcano that borders North Korea and China and is also the highest mountain in northeastern China. According to Korean Folklore, the mountain is sacred.
Jong-un describes climbing the mountain as truly inspirational stating, “Climbing Mount Paektu provides precious mental pablum more powerful than any kind of nuclear weapon.”
Over the years, Jong-un has raised controversies in the media by funding military and nuclear programmes instead of helping to provide his citizens with basic necessities, such as food.

– Written by Gripped’s intern Sophia Vlahos. This is the first of many pieces to come from Sophia.
Source: BBC