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Watch Two Strong Sends at Murrin Park: MIA and Summoning

Missing in Action V8 and Summoning V12 are two of Murrin Park’s classic problems. 

Jamie Finlayson of Squamish recently sent Summoning and said, “Great problem, so physical. Slap and squeeze. Definitely went to battle with this one. Actually slipped off the top when I was mantling and had to do it again. I was more careful the second time.”

Missing in Action is a classic and is sent dozens of times every year. It’s V8 in the guidebook, but many argue it’s only V7. “Fun problem, definitely going to have to go with V7, not V8 like the book says,” said Finlayson.

Two from Squamish from Luis Serrano Bellido on Vimeo.

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