Older Articles

1910 Denali Climb Was Called a Hoax – See Newly Found Photos

You probably have never heard of the Sourdough Expedition, but it’s an important moment in America’s mountaineering history. For nearly a decade after the trip. people thought it was a hoax

World’s Most Epic Sea Cliff! 5.14 Trad Above the North Sea

The Longhope Direct is the tallest and hardest sea cliff in the U.K., a place known for run-out and difficult sea cliff lines

Climbing Gym Walls Stolen! “Has Anyone Seen Our Wall?”

A new B.C. climbing gym has been waiting for its delivery for months, but much of what was shipped never made it

Brette Harrington Sending El Corazón 5.13 on El Capitan

A year after sending the 31-pitch big wall free route, Brette Harrington has released some great footage from her ascent

Iranian Climber’s Home Destroyed – Medals Found on Ground

Elnaz Rekabi competed without a hijab at an IFSC World Cup earlier this fall. IranWire now reports that her home has been destroyed. She hasn’t been heard from publicly for over a month

New Backcountry Ski Film is Uplifting and Full of Stoke

Nexus is one of the best ski films of the year. Featuring five stories of women who share a passion for the mountains

10 Memorable Things from Two 1990s Ontario Ice Guidebooks

North of Superior and Southern Ontario Ice were must-have guidebooks for ice climbers at the time

Mountain Biking Down Steep Squamish Slabs

Some examples of steep West Coast slabs that mountain bikers have descended

British Mountain Guides Talk About Profession

We hear from several mountain guides about what it takes and why they do it

Ski Grant for Women Renamed in Honour of Hilaree Nelson

Blizzard Tecnica has announced you can now apply for the Women2Women Hilaree Nelson Education Scholarship