Older Articles

Ethan Salvo’s Mega Send of Ontario’s Stairwell Project

Ethan Salvo on his first ascent of Rite of Passage V12, which put an end to the infamous project. The send came just days before the call to self-isolate was made by the government

Stay-At-Home Climbing Training Routine: Day 11

The eleventh of a 28-day climbing-training routine for athletes looking to progress during self-isolation.

Stay-At-Home Climbing Training Routine: Day 10

The tenth of a 28-day climbing-training plan for athletes looking to progress during self-isolation. Today we are focusing on power-endurance.

Stay-At-Home Climbing Training Routine: Day Eight

The eighth of a 28-day climbing-training plan for athletes looking to progress during self-isolation. Today we are focusing on intensity.

Stay-At-Home Climbing Training Routine: Day Seven

The seventh of a 14-day training plan for athletes looking for power and strength

Stay-At-Home Climbing Training Routine: Day Five

The fifth of a 14-day climbing-training plan for athletes looking to progress during self-isolation

Four Radical Bouldering Videos to Preserve the Psych

Four bouldering videos to get you stoked about climbing once we can get back out there!

Stay-At-Home Climbing Training Routine: Day Four

The fourth of a 14-day cross-training plan for athletes looking to progress during self-isolation

Stay-At-Home Climbing Training Routine: Day Two

The second of a 14-day cross-training plan for athletes looking to progress during self-isolation

Stay-At-Home Climbing Training Routine: Day One

The first of a 14-day cross-training plan for athletes looking to progress during self-isolation