Indoor Weekly: IFSC Readies for World Cups 2018
IFSC technical delegates, jury presidents, judges, routesetters and the webcasting crew convened in Torino last weekend with IFSC President Marco Scolaris, Vice-President Sport/Events Kobinata Toru and staff for the 2018 IFSC Officials Seminar.
Every year, IFSC officials come together to review the previous season and discuss changes for the current one during a complete two-day seminar near IFSC headquarters. Meetings continued this year, with more than 50 officials coming from all around the world for the seminar.
The International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP) takes place on April 6, and everyone attending the seminar showed their support by joining the White Card campaign of Peace and Sport.
On Saturday morning, Marco Scolaris and Kobinata Toru welcomed the officials to Torino and outlined the direction of the Sport Department for 2018, in addition to explaining updates to the Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018 and the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 from a sport perspective.
IFSC Sport Officer Silvia Verdolini and IFSC Event Officer Alessandro Di Cato outlined developments to Sport Department activities, followed by an interactive workshop where all participants shared challenges and strengths of events on the 2018 calendar and technical delegates summarised the tasks for everyone attending to improve the collaboration and team work of officials.
In the afternoon, judges, jury presidents and routesetters debriefed on the previous season and discussed rule changes in preparing for the season upcoming.
On Sunday, Kobinata Toru presented on long term goals, leading up to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and beyond, and shared with officials the importance of sport presentation. Additional discussions took place on the career path for routesetters and judges, and jury presidents and judges also took time to dive into rules for Combined events.
“Often behind-the-scenes, our officials are critical to every single IFSC event,” says Kobinata Toru.
“Discussing and dining all together last weekend provided the important opportunity to expand our understanding of the technical needs at IFSC events and the best way to communicate the excitement of our sport on-site and online.”
The 2018 IFSC World Cup season begins in Meiringen next month and the live streaming of bouldering Semis and Finals will take place on April 14..
To see Canada’s 2018/19 Bouldering team visit here.