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Sport Climbing B.C. Gets Funding From Province


Sport Climbing B.C. (SCBC) has been given $25,000 in additional funding from the province.  SCBC will be spending the money on a new competition timing system, a live scoring system and a camera system for judging. They will also be improving infrastructure to live-stream events. Todd Stone, Kamloops-South Thompson MLA, made the announcement at Cliffside Climbing Gym in Kamploops.

“It’s going to enable them to hold sanctioned competitions all across British Columbia, so they can continue to groom some great athletes and accelerate their growth and we’ll hopefully see some Kamloopsians on the podium,” said Stone. Iain Stewart-Patterson is the president of the SCBC and said, “Member numbers have expanded tremendously, we’ve doubled every year for the last three years, now we’re looking at running bigger competitions, running more widely across the province, this will be a package we can take to a gym, set it up and have everything we need to run a high class sanctioned competition.”

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