Beckett Hsin, 14, Climbs V14 in Colorado
Mind to Motion is a test-piece problem in Elkland first sent by Daniel Woods

Beckett Hsin, 14, has climbed Mind to Motion V14 at Elkland in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. In 2023, Hsin climbed The Game V15 in Boulder Canyon, Colorado, which took Daniel Woods 17 days of effort over two years to make the first ascent of.
Mind to Motion was first climbed by Woods in 2012 and it’s gone on to become a popular boulder at the grade. “Amazing boulder,” said Hsin, “had to find different beta for the beginning and top out sequences. I almost died on the top.”
Mind to Motion follows 18 moves up compression sections using small crimps. “After that you have to compose yourself for the sketchy top out,” said Hsin on “I started trying it with my brother Sam, and after a few sessions we were both able to send. The top out climbs right over a ledge, if you happened to fall there you’d most likely roll down the hill. When I got there on my send go, there were a few times where I almost fell. Luckily I was able to push through and make it to the top.”
Hsin’s other hard sends include Midnight Express V14, Chocolate Jesus V13, Evil Backwards V13, Carnage V13, Wheel of Fortune V13 and Spatial Awareness V13. Watch him on Mind to Motion and The Game below.