Gear Stolen! Route Developer’s Pack Thieved
A Squamish route developer had his gear stolen, help him out by donating to a fundraiser

Squamish route developer Chris Small had a pack of gear stolen from his Honda Element earlier this week. Small has been establishing routes in and around Squamish for years.
Small posted on the Squamish Rock Climbing forum, “Hi all: I had my pack stolen from my car last night in Squamish which contained my route development gear which includes a number of distinctive items.” Developing rock climbs requires a lot of equipment, from drills to ropes.
Among the gear Small lost: “One Petzl Falcon harness with a Petzl Open ring through the tie ins and a DMM Vault tool holder on it, one black Petzl shunt, one right foot Petzl Pantin foot ascender, Petzl Croll chest ascender, DMM hitch climber pulley (red), with a Green rope wrench on a DMM Oval biner, three eye-to-eye hitch cords and a whole bunch of triple locking biners.”
A GoFundMe was opened by Mim Andrews with the hope of raising funds to help Small replace his stolen kit. Small valued the loss of his gear at around $1,500. Route developers put in a lot of time and money into opening new climbs, so consider helping Small here. Read an interview with him about route development below.