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Joe Skopec Sends All Bolted Routes Along Ontario’s Southern Escarpment

Joe Skopec has been ticking routes in hopes of having his summer send list complete by winter.

On Sept. 23, he announced that he sent the last bolted route in the first volume of Ontario Climbing with his send of Microbe Hunter 5.13b at Crag X.

The route has notoriously sharp crimps, which split Skopec’s finger more than once. He made a number of trips before sending the test-piece. The first volume of the guidebook covers the southern crags along the Niagara Escarpment.

Skopec is now hoping to complete all of the bolted routes, which includes some mixed lines, in the the second volume of Ontario Climbing. There are over 650 routes Skopec is hoping to send by the time his project is complete. For a story by Skopec about his guidebook-ticking goal, check out the October/November issue of Gripped magazine.

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