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May 25, 2010 – McColl and Lam Dominate Canadian National Bouldering Championships

Sean McColl once again proved why he is Canada's top competition climber with his win at this weekend's Canadian National Bouldering Championships.

May 25, 2010 – McColl and Lam Dominate Canadian National Bouldering Championships

Sean McColl once again proved why he is Canada’s top competition climber with his win at this weekend’s Canadian National Bouldering Championships. This is McColl’s third Canadian National title in the last four years. On the women’s front, Clarrie Lam easily topped out all five finals problems securing place.

Men’s top 3: Sean McColl, Yves Gravell, Terry Paholek

Women’s top 3: Clarrie Lam, Elise Sethna and Melissa Lacasse

More details here.

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