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Mousetrap Found on Rock Climb Hold

A rock climber removed a mousetrap from a popular crag in the Yukon

Yukon-based rock climber Benjamin Poudou shared a photo on the Yukon Climbing Facebook page that showed a mousetrap on a hold of a route. Poudou was climbing to the left on a route called Babette 5.9.

With the photo, Poudou wrote, “Two traps were on the ground but one was set on the ledge we all take on the way up. We obviously removed them and took them away but watch out while climbing there, someone wants to get your finger tips.”

We asked Poudou if it was perhaps placed to catch a bird or wildlife (not like that’s any better), he said, “Where it was placed, I’m pretty sure the intended target was not a bird. or at least the probability of a climber getting caught was way higher than a bird.”

The climbs are found at Rock Gardens near Whitehorse, a popular crag with no access issues that we know of. From the photo, the mousetrap appears set with the trigger sitting near where a climber would grab. We’ve never seen anything like this and hopefully it’s a one-time occurrence. Thanks to Poudou for removing the traps and for letting us share the story.

A mousetrap on a climb at Rock Gardens, Yukon. Photo by Benjamin Poudou

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