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Old Man Rules is New 10-Pitch Rockies Bolted 5.10

This route will surely become a popular addition to the Canadian Rockies

Andy Genereux is one of the Rockies most accomplished route developers with thousands of new pitches to his name, including routes throughout the Rockies and in the Selkirks. He has a number of published guidebooks, including one on Yamnuska and one on the Ghost. In August, he began work on a new route on the McGillivray Slabs near Heart Mountain in the Bow Valley, which he completed in the fall. The new route is a 10-pitch 5.10c bolted route that climbs 334 metres of mostly solid limestone. He called it Old Man Rules.

“This moderate multi-pitch sport climb is found on the east facing rock face located on the righthand side of the big bowl at the upper left of McGillivary Slabs,” wrote Genereux on his topo page. “All hardware was installed on lead.” For the Old Man Rules topo and description visit TABVAR on Facebook here.

McGillivray Slabs have a number of fun routes, including Morning Side (topo), a four-pitch bolted 5.8, and Raspberry Ramble, a mixed-protection 5.9. The slabs are east facing and just before Dead Man’s Flat when driving west. The approach is about 15 minutes to the popular climbs. Be sure to visit Genereux’s website here for more new routes information and guidebook beta.

McGillivray Slabs left / Andy Genereux

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