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Venom and Antifreeze are New West Coast Mixed/Ice Lines

Marc-Andre Leclerc has returned home from a short trip to Poland where he climbed Russian Roulette M8- WI5 with Luka Lindic. Leclerc teamed up with Tim Nielson and climbed two new routes in the Superheroes Cirque near Hope. On West Coast Ice, Leclerc noted Antifreeze M6- 30m climbs a thing smear right of the established Mr. Freeze and then heads up an overlap to reach the ice on Mr. Freeze.

He notes the second route Venom WI6+ 30m climbs a steep yellow pillar 20 metres right of Mr. Freeze. Climbers have been chasing the good ice conditions with ascents of many West Coast classics, including Scottish Tale near Squamish.

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