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Widely Reported Cougar Attack Didn’t Happen

A hiker reported being attacked by a cougar last month, but Parks Canada found no forensic evidence

In February, a 23-year-old was hiking alone to Rockbound Lake near Castle Mountain about 20 minutes west of the town of Banff. He reported that he’d been attacked by a cougar and showed several media outlets photos of scratches on his face. Parks Canada then announced that a person received non-critical injuries following a cougar attack.

“On arrival, our paramedics took care of one adult patient who had been in care of Parks Canada officials prior to their arrival,” Alberta Health Services public education officer Stuart Brideaux said. “In this case, fortunately, the patient sustained relatively minor soft tissue injuries in the incident and they were transported to the Canmore hospital in stable and calm condition.” The area was later closed.

Parks Canada has since said that forensics show the attack never happened, noting in a statement, “Following standard protocol, Parks Canada thoroughly searched the area of the reported incident and found no signs of cougar activity. Parks Canada has now received the lab-tested DNA results, indicating that cougar DNA was not found on the samples that were collected. Parks Canada’s investigation is now closed.”

Photographer John E. Marriott wrote on Facebook here, “I’ve known for weeks now (and really, since day one after hearing the initial reports) that the Banff cougar attack did NOT happen, but Parks Canada dragged their feet and didn’t allow their professional staff to comment and as a result, an incorrect story about a cougar attack went viral. It’s inexcusable that it took so long for Parks to finally comment and confirm the non-story, but meanwhile the damage has been done: a much maligned and misunderstood apex predator gets the short end of the stick.”

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