Canadian Amanda Berezowski Sends 5.14c at Horne
Amanda Berezowski has ticked A Stressful Day at the Office (ASDATO) 5.14c at Horne Lake in B.C.
Berezowski’s first 5.14 was in 2016 with Dinosaur Highway 5.14a, followed by Northern Man 5.14a in 2016.
After Dinosaur Highway, Berezowski wrote of, “My first 5.14! Pretty psyched as I just barely squeezed it in before it’s wet for a few months. This route had a lot of different movement packed into it. Two months ago a lot of it felt dynamic, but by the send almost none of it. I really like that the other 13’s at Horne really prepare you for it and then it’s just a little step up.”
Based on the West Coast, Berezowski started climbing in Calgary on the junior team with coach Knut Rokne.
Earlier this year, she sent her first V11 with a top of Beefy Gecko in the Sad Boulders of Bishop. Berezowksi has climbed a number of V10s, including The Seam, Sharma’s Link, Slow Dance, Water Hazard and Beef Cake.
Elan Jonas McRae made the first ascent of ASDATO as a variation to A Day at the Office 5.14b and it was repeated by Dan Beland and Marcel Arden.