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A Feature Film About a Cannon Cliff Free Route

Benedictus is a 5.11 route up Big Wall at Cannon Cliff in New Hampshire.

Benedictus is the story of Tom Callaghan’s adventure on the Big Wall. Using an old aid climbing route as a starting point, Callaghan’s goal is to forge a new free climb to the top of the cliff.

The complete free ascent of Benedictus was in July 1999 by Callaghan, Mark Bowen and Tom Nonis. The 11-pitch route is a link-up of climbs from the 1970s and 1990s and took seven years.

Looking down at one of the impressive pitches on Benedictus 5.11.
Looking down at Rich Brereton on one of the impressive pitches on Benedictus 5.11. For more photos and route information, visit here.

As Callaghan puts it, “There is one opportunity for someone to have a grand adventure on a particular piece of rock.”

To watch the one-hour film, visit here.

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