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Taulliraju Ascent with Skilled Odell Brothers

Brothers Tomas Odell and Pedro Odell are two of the most talented alpine climbers in the game

Never ones to be intimidated by a challenge, the talented Odell Brothers – Tomas Odell and Pedro Odell – once again set out to unlock new heights with their latest daunting ascent: Peru’s Andean peak of Taulliraju. To achieve their ambition, the siblings will need to venture far from home and contest the challenges this unique climb sets out before them. ​

Hailing from Patagonia’s climbing heartland of Chalten, Argentina, both Tomas and Pedro have been raised upon the iconic Patagonian mountains, which are dreamt of by climbers the world over. As children, this is where the brothers played and first learned to climb. Now aged 20 and 17, it is time to journey to new heights elsewhere. ​

With several weeks to acclimatise and begin ascending climbs beyond 5000m above sea level, the brothers were leaving nothing to chance when it came to scaling Taulliraju. ​ Join the brothers as they navigate shifting terrain, unexpected falling debris and the need to change plans on the fly to keep their dream alive when discovering unknown dangers at the summit. ​


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