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Watch Anthony Richards Flash Ontario V10 in December

Watch Anthony Richards flash Rigormortis V10 on Dec. 16 at Niagara Glen.

Tomasz Wojtkowiak reported the send and posted the below video. “On the drive to the Glen Anthony told me and Peter Prelich that he wanted to flash Rigormortis,” said Wojtkowiak.

“Both Prelich and I had different beta for the climb, but we knew for Anthony to have a good shot at the flash he would have to use a combination of both.

“He used Prelich’s high-percentage beta for the first half and used my more powerful beta for the second half. It worked out perfectly as you can see, but not without a little fight at the end. I think it may be the hardest flash at the Glen.”

Anthony Richard Flashes – Rigormortis V10 from Tomasz Wojtkowiak on Vimeo.

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