Watch a 5.14b Multi-Pitch First Ascent by Mich Kemeter

In the summer of 2016, Mich Kemeter completed his 280-metre 5.14b on the southwest face of Shcartenspitze in Austria.
His route Tortour is an eight-pitch steep and technical line he established ground-up with Stefan Lieb in nine big pushes.
The pitches break down to 5.10, 5.12, 5.12, 5.14a, 5.14b, 5.13, 5.10 and 5.12. The first free ascent was in 2017 by Kemeter and Paul Kiefer
Kemeter noted after his send, “Completing my climb up the southwest face of Schartenspitze transformed into a Tortour.
“Keeping focused for so many years, in order to find my way past the razor sharp boulder cruxes, up the steep weathered rock and through the repelling roof with its shallow pockets, turned out to be a highly rewarding experience.
“Six years ago I came up with the idea of devoting myself fully to a route I’d only manage to climb free after specific, long-term training. “It was my first experience at bolting a new route ground-up: tough physically and mentally at my limit.”
Tortour from Mich Kemeter on Vimeo.