Watch Animated Honnold Talk El Cap Free Solo
This summer, Alex Honnold made the first free-solo ascent of El Cap. With no rope or gear, he climbed Freerider 5.13a.
The nearly 1,000-metre free-solo has been hailed as the most impressive climb ever by many. Tommy Caldwell said we may never see anything like it.
In this short animated video, Honnold talks about what it’s like being up there alone. And we get the inside story on the little tiny mouse people.
During a podcast with Gripped editor Brandon Pullan, Honnold said this when asked about fear: “For the most part, if something seems really scary I just don’t do it. I’m under no obligation. I do this strictly for my own satisfaction.
“If I’m afraid, I either put in more time preparing or I just don’t do it. I’ve done routes where I’ve climbed 200 feet off the ground and just been, like, what am I doing? I then just climbed back down and went home. Discretion is the better part of valor. Some days are just not your day. That’s the big thing with free soloing: when to call it.”