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Watch Send of New Grotto Canyon 5.13c in Rockies

Men at War is the hardest route on the historic Hemingway Wall

Watch Madison Marchuk with the second ascent of Mason Tessier’s new test-piece on the historic Hemingway Wall in Grotto Canyon near Canmore called Men at War.

Tesseir, who made the first ascent of the route in May, said on Sendage, “Really amazing to find this line and have it come together. Bit of a squeeze, but besides a few shared holds on Tropicana this route holds its own. Took many days to work out beta and was a real fight in the end. Hard to pin down a grade. 5.13b/c we will see where it settles.”

The Hemingway Wall has been the focus of local climbers for over 30 years. The first routes on the wall were climbed in 1985: Farewell to Arms 5.11a by Dave Morgan, The Importance of Being Earnest 5.12a by Sean Dougherty, Grey Matter 5.11d by Brian Balasz and Grand Larceny 5.10d by Andy Genereux were all done in that year and are all classics. Men at War is the hardest route on the wall.

Men at War

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