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Watch Five August Rock Climbing Whippers

From big trad falls to bouldering blunders, check out some recent climber air time

ou can go your entire rock climbing life without taking a whipper if you’re careful enough, but more times than not you’ll run into a crux where falling is inevitable.

Below are five trad climbing whippers, be sure to follow Whipper for more.

Whipper #1

A trad climbing whipper with some great footage from the camera holder. So close to the jug.

Whipper #2

Another example of what can go wrong when the rope goes behind the leg.

Whipper #3

Great whipper, but the belayer takes a beating. Always stay aware of overhead hazards when holding the rope.

Whipper #4

Just a big fun looking whipper!

Whipper #5

A 15-metre trad climbing whipper way up high.

Bouldering Fall

Falling off a boulder can sometimes leave you in far worse shape than a whipper.


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